What can Sibyl be used for?

Anything! Or more specifically, anything with square 2D tiles. It doesn't have to be pixel art either, although pixel art might have better performance. Sibyl excels in quickly creating top-down levels with variety and complexity, including overworld maps, dungeons, interiors, and towns. It can also be used for side-view levels, or simply for inspiration. For example, if you want to rapidly prototype a level or need something quickly for a game jam, then Sibyl can produce what you need quickly and easily.

What's the difference between Lite and Full versions?

The Lite version is the initial version of Sibyl. It can analyze, generate, paint, import, and export levels. The Full version adds the Palette Widget (tile size, edge detection, corner detection) and the Level Widget (level size), allowing for much more control and a range of new possibilities. 

Can I feed Sibyl's levels back into it as templates?

Yup! If Sibyl produces a particularly inspiring level, feel free to export it and then import it back as a template. The levels it creates will then use the new template as a guide. Just keep in mind that any tile combinations missing in this template won't show up until you reimport your previous template.

Can I manually paint in specific tiles?

Currently, no. My priority for Sibyl is to work around its automatic workflow as much as possible. Plus, since Sibyl exports levels as images, they can easily be edited in your art software or game engine of choice. That said, if there's enough interest, I may consider that feature down the line.

Will Sibyl be receiving more features?

Since I'm still working to understand what's practical with Sibyl, I don't want to promise too much yet. However, I am looking into more options for influencing Sibyl's generation. Some slight optimizations may also be possible. 

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